Monday, December 21, 2009

December 21: Never

1. I have never admitted my Droid smart phone is too smart for me.

2. I have never accidentally muted my conversations at least 5 times a day since receiving the phone.

3. I have never dropped at least 25 phone calls while talking to my dear friend Nikki.

4. I have never made the made the following comparison: Matt's technology skills are to a slick, 007, futuristic phone as my skills are to a 1960's rotary phone.

5. I have never been confronted by Matt twice in a five hour time period yesterday for obsessively checking my email every 2 minutes.

6. I have never videotaped my daughter singing while I was driving the car...or taken photos of a cool bridge. Don't see the photo above. I didn't take it.

7. I have never been so intrigued by the 'Barcode Scanner' application that I went around the house and scanned random items just to see what they cost.

8. In relation to #7, I have never discovered that a 12 pack of Ferrero Rondnoir chocolates cost $3.79 at Walgreens and $1.30 at Rock Bottom Deals. (Seriously, that's a good deal!)

9. I have never been tempted to download the 'Period and Ovulation Tracker' application, and I am not currently still considering it. That's gross, people.

10. I have never spent time drafting a mock resignation letter in my head to Matt and the Google/Verizon companies explaining that this phone is

11. You never read this post.


Anonymous said...

OH, I think I don't remember Matt telling me what a complete waste my IPhone was to me because the tech level was far more superior than my natural skills. (At the time he was trying to talk me into letting him have it) But I'm sure I never heard that :). Love, MLK

kate o. said...

i would never admit that i think the period/ovulation tracker was kind of cool. never. and i would never say that i think that would just be one more reason why i need a smart phone.

RT said...

LOL! (I'd never look up a DROID phone. Totally NOT going to do that right now. Not going to covet either.)

Michelle Acton said...

This made me laugh so hard. Which I love so much.