Sunday, December 13, 2009

December 13: This

Both Matt and Karis nodded off for a nap this afternoon, and, in a rare moment of freedom, I weighed my options. I could have done this:

Instead, I went outside, looked up and saw this blowing in the wind:

I looked in the pot of thyme and saw this lone basil plant persisting through the winter months:

I walked to the back fence line and found this collection of oyster shells, perhaps relics from the river 2 blocks over:

I looked through the fence and saw this shrimp plant thriving in the overgrown, abandoned alley:

Then I walked to the side of the house and found this pretty shade of pink:

I looked at the path next to the door before heading back in and spied this curious brick:

It was time well spent.


M.E. said...

Good choice!!

Anonymous said...

Totally a good choice!

Christa told me about your blog - I love it!