Friday, December 19, 2008

Day 19

Delighting the hearts of crafty individuals for centuries (perhaps even millenia), the homemade wreath. Yesterday was my first dabble, and I am pleased with what 15 minutes + $6 from the craft store + and some recycled Frasier fir branches can do to my front door. And those berries? While they have not made it into my daughter's mouth (thankfully), they did make it into the wreath.

Hopefully the wreath was a nice touch welcoming our house guests last night. Kate of Behind the Gate and her husband Omar joined us for dinner and a night's stay. So much fun and so good to connect with them. Thank you guys. Wish you could have stayed a week!


Anonymous said...

i did notice the wreath and the berries. beautiful. and even more impressed that you made it!

thank you for opening your home to us. we, too, wish it could have lasted longer!

Anonymous said...

Hey, Alina--you did a great job on the wreath! I'm glad you went for it!! Love, Mama K

abigail said...

very nice wreath. maybe next year I'll try one...i like the simplicity of yours.