Friday, December 12, 2008

Day 12

Have been sick for 6 days.

Cold medicine has been a constant companion.

A Charlie Brown Christmas has been watched a record breaking 7 times in one day.

Karis has learned how to fully operate the DVD player without my assistance. A further note: Karis must surely think I am the most boring human to walk the face of the earth.

Am feeling better today but surprised that the cleaning fairies were not here while I was sick to help maintain the cleanliness of the home. Oh my.


Anonymous said...

Awww...being sick w/a toddler is no fun. Sounds like Karis has mastered the techno stuff. Now if only she could pour herself a bowl of Cheerios, go potty, & tuck Mommy into bed... Hang in there. At least if you're sick now, you'll probably be all better for Christmas!

Kristine said...

i especially love how the christmas lights pulse through this photo like a life-giving vein....*

i'm sorry you're so sick, alina. it sounds like karis is holding down the fort. hopefully you will be replenished by christmas! drink some warm echinacea tea..*..**...*

april said...

love that you're doing this.

Alina said...

Thanks, everybody. The generous comments really mean so much...especially when I feel the creativity waning. I am really having a ton of fun.

RT said...

I hope you're feeling better this morning!

This picture is so lovely. It belongs in a magazine somewhere. Beautiful!