Thursday, January 29, 2009

Signs of life

1. A dear friend is expecting her first child, a long anticipated gift.

2. The azaleas are blooming in the backyard. The blossoms are a pretty pink with a hint of blue. I'm sure the creative team at Crayola would call it something like rosy kisses or blushing mermaid. "Blue-ish pink" suits me fine.

3. Karis has been slow to say the word "Mama." In the last few months she has finally mastered the "m" sound. Now, as if it were the only word worth saying, she says it all the time. With a smile from ear to ear, her whole mouth engaged, and a decided nod of the head, she says slowly and deliberately, "Ma-Ma." Every time I hear it I feel parts of my heart melt that I didn't know needed melting.


Megan said...

This is a very sweet post! Love this picture, did you take it?

Joc said...

I can hardly wait for the azaleas to show signs of life up here! Love this post, by the way.

kelly said...

Okay, so I cried at the mama thing. can't wait to hear her say it.

Owen melted me this morning. I think I'll post about it...

Alina said...

Thanks, friends.

Joc-I can't wait for your springtime garden photos to begin!

Megan-Yes, I took this the other day for a friend. It was just supposed to be a photo to begin a series of photos tracking her growth. But I fell in love with this one and begged her to allow me to display her pregnant belly for all the cyber world. She kindly obliged.

Kelly-I can't wait to hear about Owen's heart-melting moments.

Lexy said...

I cannot tell you how jealous I am that you get to hear 'mama', but I am also sooo happy for you! Xander just refuses... though he has called me 'Lessy" several times.... I'm not quite sure what that might be a sign of!


Kristine said...

oh alina! this photo illuminated my heart. your friend is so blessed to have you document one of the most intimate, sacred moments of her life as a woman.


april said...

thanks 'lin