Monday, December 19, 2005

The OTHER woman in Matt's life!

So I caught them in the act! I found them cuddling, and I even found Matt serenading her!! And yes, it's official, Matt and I are going to be those parents that send out pictures of our children all the time! :-) We have spent the last week feeling like new parents, doting over the needs of our new dog. We have gotten to know our local pet store workers so that now they look at us and can remember exactly what kind of dog we own! It is interesting how much having a new pet is like having a new child...we have to remind ourselves that we need to spend time alone. In Matt's words, she is like a vacuum...a love vacuum. And even though we haven't quite figured out her personality, and even though we think she might have a slight case of doggy depression, we are so thrilled with her!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sooooo cute!
You and Matt are getting good practice at playing the role of mom and dad. Dogs and kids are kinda the same..they both need food, love, and energy. Love you!