Monday, December 20, 2010

Day 20: Concentric

:: With as much as Karis loves and plays with her Russian nesting dolls, I'm surprised the littlest doll still remains. I was sure we'd lose her by now, especially considering where I discovered the nativity set hiding the other day: tucked in a bag, inside of a purse, behind the t.v. cabinet. It was a lucky discovery on my part, and, of course, neither Karis nor her friend had any idea how it got there.

:: I've missed a few days in the DPP this year. It's unusual for me to do so, but it gives me so much admiration for those bloggers who manage to login and publish every day.

:: I published another article for synconation today. I'm enjoying the writing projects trickling in here and there, but I'm also feeling stretched thin. I forever juggle my desire to write within the limits of my precious duty as a mother. I know which one is more important, but I can't help but dream of a time to come when I can have a little bit of structured writing time mixed in with all of my mommy-ness. Karis is going to start VPK in the fall, and I can't help but want to call it something like "free babysitting where she also learns" or "my future writing time". Then again, we're seriously considering expanding our family soon, so....the juggling act will likely continue.


Jenny said...

Love this! You are a wonderful writer and a superb mommy who balances it all gracefully.

maryanne helms said...


Where did you get your nesting dolls? I looked for some for Emma this year and could not find them. I bet Etsy would be a likely place. I had some as a kid and LOVED them!