Monday, December 06, 2010

Day 6: This must be love

The other night Matt asked me to make a salad that he had tried at a party a few weeks ago. And when I say he "asked" me I mean he purchased the ingredients, set them on the counter, and kindly requested we dine on it the very next evening. In other words, he was dead serious about eating it again.

Now, I'm a reasonable woman with a deep and abiding love for the man I married, but I realized just how deep and abiding that love really is as I stirred together the ingredients for watergate salad. The ingredient list reads: cool whip, marshmallows, canned crushed pineapple, walnuts, and instant pistachio pudding mix (!).

As I stirred it all together, ribbons of light green pistachio pudding slowly mixed with the cool whip fluff, creating a subtle minty green substance so airy and light that I can only describe it as other-worldly. It's the stuff I imagine martians enjoy for a late night snack.

This was when I learned "salad" is a forgiving term, requiring absolutely nothing fresh in it in order to go by that name. This was when Karis ate and loved marshmallows for the first time. This was also when I knew how much I love Matt. And, as much as I hate to admit it, this was when I discovered I rather like watergate salad. There, I said it.

***In other news, I had two articles published today. One is over at State of the Re:Union. It's a follow up interview with Operation New Hope, a Jacksonville organization that was originally featured in our pilot episode. 

Secondly, I've started writing for a new music blog Synconation. I'm excited to be a part of a passionate group of writers, each covering our own musical interests. I'll be covering the genres of foreign music and folk music for children. In my first piece, I reminisce about my childhood and introduce audiences to the soulful sounds of the Cape Verdean singer Cesaria Evora. Check out the article here.***


kelly said...

We are living similar lives in different cities. Owen had his first marshmallow this week and loved it, and I described YESTERDAY to a friend that as a kid I learned (and sooo loved) that Jello was considered a salad at Morrison's cafeteria.

Megan said...

This does appear to be the same salad that I ate recently at a party (you know... and I admitted to you that I had an embarassing sized portion!) Hmmm... may be making some myself!

RT said...

True love, Alina! I think it's super cute that you fixed this, ahem, salad for your husband. It's icing on the cake that you liked it, too. :)

For my own fave fluffy salad:

kate o. said...

ha! kelly, you're so right! i remember thinking the "little kid world" had somehow pulled a fast one on the people at morrison's. salad indeed.

you are a good woman, alina.

Anonymous said...

I love this yummy treat it reminds me of my childhood when we would go to church picnics..ours had shredded coconut and maraschino cherries and we called it not watergate salad but Ambrosia Salad was delish..those were the good ole days

Erica (Sista)