Thursday, April 29, 2010

Thursday's snapshot

Watering the flower beds...and Karis' hands.

I've been a little slow at blogging lately, but I'm gearing back up to write, photograph, and share it all with you. There is so much to share with you...the update on last week's wedding, the article which hits the streets tomorrow, and other general noteworthiness. But for now, I'm just going to aim to get my blogging engine back up and running. Toward that end, I thought I'd post a few snapshots of our life over the next few days. Some words but mostly pictures that capture the moments worth remembering. I've missed this place. I'm glad to be back.

Look who I found crawling through the garden this morning. And, yes, I know I have a thing for snails. My obsession has been well documented.


Joc said...

Your front bed looks great! And you should have been with me when I fed the neighborhood strays yesterday... 4 huge snails crawling on the one bowl. Nice and slimy.

kelly said...

Flowers are looking great!!
I just SOAKED my kiddo as I watered flowers amount of "Owen, back up" will do when he has the fever in him to be dripping wet!

Rideout Time said...

Great pictures!!! The flower bed looks great too! Want to come work in mine? LOL