Friday, April 30, 2010

The view

Karis and I headed downtown for an early morning appointment. I entered the parking garage hopeful for a spot amongst the early birds and lucky ones. I was neither. So higher and higher I drove, one floor after the next, feeling some sort of disappointment with each floor, though any floor past the first only meant a short, insignificant elevator ride. (I'm trivial beyond measure.)

As I rounded the bend leading to the fourth floor, the last floor before the rooftop, with a large patch of sunlight beaming through from above, I noticed the view and close proximity to the helipad just beyond the railing. We both squealed at the sight. And that's when I remembered. I'd been in this same garage about 6 months prior. I'd experienced the same slow and disappointing drive up, and the same excited reaction at the view upon arrival.

I was reminded that there is so much joy in the waiting and trusting.


Megan said...


Anonymous said...

Remember the ad Inquiring minds want to know?........ what a reward of a sight for the little one besides for you, eh?