Tuesday, March 09, 2010

On hummus and faith

I sat across the table today from Leida, a beautiful, spirited Puerto Rican woman with 54 years of life experience. She's honest and she's fun...totally reminds me of my mom. Karis was along for the ride, and though I would rather have had a childless date, in the end my phone was a good babysitter. I'm not proud of this, but in a pinch, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse streaming through YouTube will quiet even the most restless 2 year old.

Over a sampler platter of tabouleh, hummus, stuffed grape leaves, kibbe, and falafel, Leida and I spoke about marriage, faith, and hope in the midst of suffering. In the end, Karis was stuffed with chicken (from Leida's meal not mine), my phone was covered in tabouleh juice, two packets of sugar were dumped in Karis' mouth and all over the table, a few booths scaled like mountains, and I was greatly encouraged. A momentary sacrifice of parenting for the long term benefit of my heart. Totally worth it.


Anonymous said...

Love it. Love the picture and the story. For us, it's Backyardigans on the ipod for a few moments of public peace.

diber said...

smart phones with YouTube is the best thing that has ever happened to dining with small children. lol. It's Tom and Jerry for us. :)

Jenny said...

Love the profile shots of two of my favorite people...and love the cute story with it!

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