Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Her world

Guess which little princess took a leak on her throne? If you guessed the one measuring 3 feet tall (as opposed to this 3 inch beauty), you would be correct. I heard the announcement from inside her bedroom that she had "peed". When I arrived on the scene, I found her diaper off and immediately began searching for a puddle on the floor. Sure enough, I found a wet spot near where she had been playing, with this 2 inch tall toilet sitting right in the middle. Fortunately, my parents were visiting and on hand to laugh along with me. As if confused by our laughter, Karis demonstrated exactly how she had done it, sound effects and all.

We've heard her talking to some "friends" over the last few weeks. The names "Marko" and "Blue" often come up. Things like Take a nap! and Sit down! are orders we find her barking out, seemingly into thin air. When we ask about them, she grins in embarrassment. Her world is such a fun mixture of the literal and imaginary right now.

P.S. We discovered this song yesterday by Over the Rhine. Karis thought it was HI-LARIOUS. She would, wouldn't she?


HumbuckerChapell said...

So just after I read this post I read this:

I like the consistency in my reading:) Now can you potty train my hot dog dog?

Lexy said...

Funny enough, X found the same toilet in the store and sat on it (lucky for me he didn't use it), but he then took every creature he could find to the 'potty' for the next few days. I love this age!


Unknown said...

I can just imagine what was going through her head: "well, this looks smaller today. I must have grown." :) Kelly

no longer working said...

Oh my gosh. So funny.

Megan said...

"Marko and Blue" are pretty sophisticated names for a 2 year old's imaginary friends - what a cultured little tot you have! As for the potty thing... that's awesome!

HumbuckerChapell said...

So I think I just peed a little bit- that song is awesome.

Thanks for sharing!

Sarah said...

Love-love-love Over the Rhine.... and a friend with kids introduced me to that song last summer. Hilarious.