Tuesday, August 11, 2009


I will miss the kindness of the Venezuelan physician who, to console a sobbing Karis after her shots, performed a funny dance with a pen and created "magic" bubbles out of soap and water.

I won't miss the hysterics caused by the aforementioned shots. Two shots a day for three days in a row. Ouch! That's one brave girl and one weak-kneed mama.

I will miss our yard when we move. Most missed: the Black-Eyed Susans and the huge magnolia tree that casts a long shadow in the afternoon.

I won't miss the feeling that I live in a "transitional" home. Over the last 10 years I've lived in 9 homes in 6 different cities. That's a whole lot of temporary home decorating. I can't wait to make some permanent decisions in our new space. My new motto: "Move in. Stay awhile." Hopefully a long while.

Update: A photo for you, Alyce. Enjoy! (See Alyce's comment.)


Megan said...

Why has Karis needed so many shots? How terrible!

Alina said...

She has an ear infection that is resistant to other antibiotics we've tried. This antibiotic is really strong but can only be administered as a shot. It's been a rough two days!

abigail said...

Congrats on your new home, Alina! So exciting! I SO get the transitional, transitory home life, and like you, I am so glad to be feeling more permanently settled. Can't wait to see photos!

Unknown said...

How about some pictures of the lazy susans you will miss, and the magnolia tree. I just love the way you describe things.

That doctor reminds me of Patch Adams. What a wonderful doctor.

no longer working said...

YEAH! for new homes. I can't wait to see pictures of it and how you end up decorating the space. Did I just use the word "space"? I hate that word!

Alina said...

Ha! Corrin, you did use the word "space." But in your defense, I used it first. Blame me! :-)

Megan said...

For Karis...
Evie and Annie!!!

Anonymous said...

I love that picture of the reflection on the table. Very nicely done.

kate o. said...

has your nikon returned home??

Unknown said...

Thanks for the picture. I hope soon you will have pictures of your new place. Don't you love how bossy I am, giving you new assignments?

Peter Glenn Gaw said...

Hi Alina, I'm still patiently waiting to hear from you and Matt. It's been a long time. Are you still very busy? What's happening with Matt's Fire Academy? Is he onboard an ambulance working as an EMT-1?