Thursday, October 09, 2008

Watch out, here she comes

Autumn is making an entrance, slowly but surely, here in north Florida. With it comes change in all the usual, annual ways we are aware of. Much less of those changes are evident in our climate, but that is a topic for another day. What I have noticed changing around here involves a little 20+ pound whirlwind moving around the house, shaking things up. I am sure she has hit a growth spurt in the last few weeks, because the trail of evidence is obvious. She is talking so much, exploring like crazy, and communicating with such conviction on her face.

I am surprised as I move about our business throughout the day and notice all the changes in her development. She is impacting our lives more and more. And this is an active impact. By that I mean at birth and the months following she impacted our world, in a huge way.  Loss of sleep, constant care, and the likes of which many a parent can attest to. But it was a passive impact. She was unintentionally changing our lives, so to speak. Well, that is beginning to change. Oh my, is it ever! She is actively changing her world now! It is such a joy to watch her explore her world and interact with all the people and things around her. So I say, impact away, my little one!

Her little eyes are just the right height to see and reach objects on the edge of the table. Coffee and tea mugs beware: you are hereby banished to the center of the table until further notice!

I went looking for her clothes hamper today to find an odd assortment of objects stashed inside. A pair of my flip flops and four wooden alphabet blocks. An appropriate place to put things, according to a half pint.

Her impact is beginning to be noisy as well. Karis loves the little piano my mom got for her. She woke up one morning to find a miniature version of Daddy's bigger piano, and in just the right size and color. What luck!

My parents visited this weekend, and it was such fun for Karis to spend time with her grandparents. Lots of bonding, kissing, chasing, and snuggling was accomplished this weekend.


Ryan Wright said...

Fantastic pictures! Way to show the story.

dkt said...

Hee! Hee! William just reached up and grabbed my forgotten (and cold) cup of coffee today. He smelled like a mocha the rest of the day. :-)

Brooke said...

I love the pictures! How great that they got her a little pink piano!!!

Joc said...

I can't believe how big she is! What a blessed life y'all lead.

kelly said...

Wow! That last picture looks like a little Matt to me :)

The piano is so fun!! What a treat! And I agree with Ryan: great pics to show the story.

april said...

lin i really love these pics