Sunday, May 18, 2008

New discovery

There has been so much going on in the last few weeks. I'll admit, though, I am too tired and uninspired to blog much tonight. So instead I will leave you with some pictures of Karis exploring grass for the first time a few weeks ago. It was a fun parenting moment to watch her explore the prickly, bright green stuff that would come out of the ground if she pulled hard enough. Grass...a feast for the senses! Like many other things in life right now, seeing it through the eyes of a hungrily curious, "almost" toddler [sniff, sniff] is invigorating. It gives me energy and fills me with creativity. I hope to keep that creativity flowing in our home in all the seasons of childhood...and life, for that matter.


april said... an 80's sort of way. haha love it :)

Megan said...

Really cute pictures! I miss you guys, can't wait to catch up some time next week! We're off to Orlando tomorrow, I hope you have a good time with your family this weekend!

T and B Rowe said...

It's amazing how children notice the little things in life and appreciate them more than adults, like grass. Maybe adults don't appreciate grass as much because we have to mow it. :)

Bekah said...

she's getting so big!!! and adorable. =) I just noticed your comment, it made me happy! My dad is doing alright, still working. Ha, you're right about Jon and cars... most people don't realize what a big deal an engine is, but coming from especially, it's huge! Anyhow. I gotta go... workout, then finals! Whoo-hoo... =P

Unknown said...

Grass is always one of the most enjoyable moments to witness. They really do not know what to think of it, do they? She ia beautiful, but has no choice but to be so with such a beautiful mother. Love and prayers