Monday, August 28, 2006

A bear scratched me today!

Yeah, it's true! A bear was licking my arm and it scratched me as I tried to get away. It was all part of a tour that Matt and I took at a zoo about 5 minutes from our house that takes endangered, unwanted, confiscated animals from all over the US. We saw literally lions and tigers and bears! The monkeys were a fun attraction, and I had a lemur crawl all over my shoulders and dig in my purse. Fun times. A friend who I worked with at Starbucks who also works full time at Zoo to You gave an exclusive tour for us employees (and former employees like myself). On my days off I love doing these sorts of things which are fun and out of the ordinary of my regular schedule. I have Sundays and Mondays off. Sunday often feels like a work day with church, and so Monday is my day to do whatever I want. This isn't something you would hear from most working people, but I dare to say it: God, Thank you for Mondays!


Anonymous said...

That's crazy. I don't think I would want a lemur crawling on me. Remember our last trip to the zoo together? That weird thing spraying at us?!?! Thank goodness for 2 feet of protective glass! I also thank God for Mondays...b/c I have Tuesdays and Wednesdays off! Love you!

no longer working said...

sounds like so much fun, remember that I had a pet squirl once....actually twice.

Anonymous said...

I love lemurs! I am kinda jealous to hear that you had one on your shoulders. And I used to have Sundays and Mondays off too when I worked at a coffee shop, so I too LOVED Mondays. Thanks for your comments on our blog. Glad you enjoy.

The Brent Half of Brentifer

Unknown said...

I am glad you get to have fun on your days off! The Salon I rent my massage space in is open Tues through Sat, so I understand the whole Monday thing myself. I enjoy these little peeks into your life! I recently posted some newer pictures on my blog if you want to stop by! All my love and prayers, Jamie