Wednesday, February 02, 2011


I spent some time photographing this cool little guy with his very cool parents. He is the kind of baby that makes a mom want another baby, despite years of saying otherwise.

I've been reading the Little House on the Prairie series the last few weeks, and I'm really enjoying it. I've taken to referencing Ma and Pa a lot lately as if they are personal acquaintances. Matt's initial amusement has given way to annoyance.

My fridge has been invaded by mounds of kale, cabbage and other fresh produce from a local CSA, Fresh Harvest Farm. I'm thrilled with our experience and the affordable prices, but I'm finding that there is a learning curve involved in this sort of commitment. I found myself literally sweating in my kitchen today as I tried to figure out how I was going to use and not waste any of it. I know we'll get into a rhythm eventually.

In a new wave of independence, this little lady bug/ballerina/princess is helping herself to a lot more in our kitchen these days. She is just tall enough to see what's resting on the counters and just long enough to reach those goodies. I found her parked in front of a ramekin of kosher salt the other day, licking her salt encrusted fingers. I guess that's better than the candy jar?


Unknown said...

Every post makes me homesick for our high school days and our hang-out times. Your photography, as always, is simplistic and stunning all at once. Love it. The glimpses of your life, like Karis licking the salt, make me feel close to you, even if I haven't seen you in 9 years. Know you are always in my prayers.
Love you!

Anonymous said...

Loving that combo little ladybug (wings, anyway) ;)mlk

Anonymous said...

Loved the post, cute. Should have cited