Saturday, July 24, 2010

A friendly face

Last week Keller scarfed up a chicken bone off the kitchen table while we weren't paying attention. As you dog owners know, chicken bones + dogs = bad, bad news. I sat slumped in a chair, crying over the vision of Karis' favorite four-legged friend going to doggy heaven in a slow, painful way.

A call to the vet revealed the usual, pricey diagnosis: we should bring her in for x-rays and potential surgery. We love our dog, but that's an investment we knew we couldn't make.

Fortunately, she weathered the storm just fine. No harm, no foul. And I do mean that quite literally--no more roasted foul in my oven for a good, long while.


kelly said...

sooo, soooo glad she is okay (from the overly-emotional pregnant lady).

Kristine said...
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Kristine said...

i'm so glad sweet keller is okay! so you don't feel alone...when i was little, i fed my miniature dachshund chocolate eggs out of my easter basket. it paralyzed her back legs and she dragged them around the backyard in front of my sobbing mother who rushed her to the vet. thankfully, my dachshund lived too and returned to her old self 24 hours later, with no expensive vet interventions...but your story brought back memories.
on that note, i miss you a lot, and i hope we can all see each other soon. bear hug. <3

Krissy D said...

oh that must've been scary! I am so glad she is ok...she is a sweet baby who I would have LOVED to cuddle up with yesterday.
Thank you for such a fun day- despite my child losing his mind for a bit lol. And as soon as my hummus runs out, I'm using your recipe cuz that hummus of yours was KICKIN!!!!!

Lindsay said...

I'm glad she's okay! Our dog ate a chicken bone on the fourth of July, and all I did was shrug. She's fine too. :)

Rideout Time said...

I'm so glad that Keller is okay!! We had something like that happen one time...our American Eskimo scarfed up a dead bird in the parking lot of our apt. building. We called the vet in tears as well. He said to give him Castor oil and that would lubricate his digestive tract and hopefully help flush it on out. Thankfully it worked and we didn't have any vet bills. On another note, we've had dogs get chicken bones all the time and they were all okay.
Praise the Lord you didn't have to explain Keller going to doggy heaven.

Jenny said...

I know how much Karis loves that dog! Sure glad she's better and didn't need expensive surgery. But if that's ever the case, Uncle Jeffery can pull some strings...if Keller can sit in a car for 3 hrs!