Friday, June 12, 2009

A quick hello

Yes, your eyes are not mistaking you and your computer is not broken. I've posted yet another beach-themed picture. What can I say...I am loving our close proximity to the big, wide, and lovely Atlantic Ocean. I actually posted this picture for more reasons than my love for the moment captured...seagulls in flight and colorful umbrellas blowing in the sea breeze. No, I posted this to let you know I'd be gone for a few days. We're off to the beach. But this time we're going to the Gulf of Mexico side of Florida. My sister is saying her vows and tying up the proverbial knot. We're all thrilled to see it happen and can't wait to be a part of the lovely sunset ceremony.

I am excited we'll be staying on the beach as well. It will be a short getaway at the end of one of the most difficult weeks of my life. Yes, dramatics aside, it's been a doozie of a week. I'm still formulating my thoughts, gathering the data, and processing the whole experience. When I'm done, I hope to share an internet appropriate version of the events with you. For now, I'm so thankful for life, family, good health, and a little trip to that place we love so dearly these days.


Anonymous said...


Kristine said...

i loved being with you this weekend (even if it was a touch crazy). i hope the back massage a little. i would have loved to have kept on dancing with you all night long.

you're on my heart...

Anonymous said...

I am bored, do you have anything to share with your audience as of late?