Thursday, July 06, 2006

Leaving Las Vegas

Actually, we are leaving for Las Vegas tomorrow morning, bright and early at 5 am to make it through the desert before the afternoon heat hits. Matt and I are celebrating my last day at Starbucks today and my new job which begins on Monday. For those who haven't heard, I got a job doing social work. I found out a few weeks ago that I got the job and the last couple of weeks have been so full of peace and rest. Knowing that I have a job and don't have to continue looking, searching, interviewing, and stressing about the job search has been such a relief. Most of you know how difficult this job search has been, and I look back over the last 11 months and I wonder why God took me down this long and rough path. But I do see blessings in this difficult time I have been through. I stand in a position now of excitement and hope and eager motivation to begin my new job and to work hard at it. I know much of this attitude has been produced from the refinement of the last year of frustration. So here we go, Matt and I, embarking on a two income journey for a while. We are celebrating with our trip to Las Vegas, on a shoe-string budget. I hope to have fun pictures when we return. I am excited about the relaxation and the "get away". Off to the desert we go.


Anonymous said...

Hope you have a blast!! Can't wait to see your pics.


Unknown said...

Hurray for the new job and your trip of celebration! I am so glad things are going well your way. Know that I am here, keeping you both in my prayers as you embark on your fresh career start. Have fun in Vegas!

no longer working said...

I miss your updates....what is going on in Alina's world? Much love, Corrin

P.s. Can you email me your phone number...I tried to call you the other day, but didn't have the right one.