I don't have anything in particular to share in this post, but I just couldn't stand that "frump-ish" picture of myself staring at me everytime that I opened up my internet...putting a new picture is my main reason for posting this entry. I can share, however, that I had a job interview for a part-time addictions counselor for the Public Health Department yesterday. I found out about the job two days ago from somebody and I immediately called and landed an interview...I thought it went well but time will tell if I get a call back. I'll be honest, this whole job thing has me really, really down. It is hard to put my hope or confidence in much at this point. But I also find myself not caring too much either...and that part I dislike the most. I know I am still in the palm of God's hand, and I am safe and cared for there. God is using this time to teach me some stuff, hard stuff like repentance (and not just the kind that follows one or two sins...it's the kind where you realize your heart and life is bent and is in dire need of Jesus).
Here is a better picture for me and you all to look at whenever you log into my blog.
Countdown until I go "home": 4 days!!!! (Kelly, you referenced the quotes around home in one of your comments, and I wanted to explain that I put the quotes around home because I still want to call my parent's home "home" even though I am clearly a resident of my home in California with my loving husband and precious dog...when will the child in me grow up?!)
Friday, February 24, 2006
my vanity and counseling addicts
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3:09 PM
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
This year's halloween costume
Never let me hear any of you say I can't laugh at myself! This post is sure to split you readers into two camps--those who think I am crazy and those who are proud of my boldness/humility to post this picture Matt took of me last night. As some of you former roommates and hallmates know, I have a horrible habit of wearing the worst possible combination of clothes to bed. I don't know what my problem is, but I tend to always, without fail, pull out the most worn, ugly, unmatching items out and wear them around my house at night. Matt, of course, hates this habit, and he has gone so far as buy me nice pajamas that are warm and comfortable, leaving no room for me to go back to my old ways. But, sure enough, I find my way back to that old and tattered pair of plaid flannel shorts that someone was going to throw away at the end of my junior year of college that I rescued from certain death. Funny thing is they were horrible then so you can imagine them now! So with that introduction I give you this most recent atrocity...but let me explain. The pants are cute and fine, on their own. The genie shoes were the only slip on shoes I could find in my closet. The sweater is one of Matt's because I couldn't locate one of mine, and the tie around my waist is to simply keep the sweater wrapped around my body in the way that I wanted it to be while I was washing dishes. So, you see, everything has a purpose, but it was when I walked by a mirror and caught a glimpse of all of the items together as an outfit (dishwashing gloves on and all) that I realized the gigantic error of my ways. I am sorry to all you roommates who have endured this awful habit. I am sorry to myself for giving all my roommates the opportunity to laugh at my nighttime wardrobe handicap. And I am sorry most of all to Matt...enough said.
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3:20 PM
Friday, February 17, 2006
my favorite things!
I have spent the last week compiling a mental list of some of my favorite things in life. Now, I have to give you my exact definition of a "favorite thing". I narrowed down and crafted the definition to "something that makes me literally or mentally clasp my hands together and exclaim in an excited voice something like this, 'I absolutely love [xyz]'." On top of that I am also taken to a place in my heart and mind where I am longing for heaven while also enjoying my journey here on earth with [xyz]. I want to eventually have a column in my sidebar where I update my favorite things list, but I do not know how to add to my sidebar (any of you fellow bloggers have an tutorials you could provide?).
Here goes.......In random order, some of my favorite things!
1. Dog, The Bounty Hunter-(Not recommended for children) First of all, I must start with my recent addiction to the t.v. show "Dog, the bounty hunter." Check out their website www.dogthebountyhunter.com. This show is not for the faint of heart or "curse word, outward vice sensitive" viewer. The show documents a bounty hunting family that lives on Hawaii and tracks down criminals who have skipped out on their court appearance. It is the most radically redemptive show on television right now, while also being incredible offensive in so many ways. The husband, wife, and adult children are all in on the bounty hunting, but the husband and wife in particular are so committed to the redemption of hardened, drug-addicted criminals theyhunt. They pray to Jesus before their hunts and with their criminals after they are caught. Amidst all of the junk of the show, it seems really apparent to me that they are in love with Jesus. I am addicted. (no pun intended)
2. Irish Music-(Don't try this at home) The second favorite thing I have just been able to put into words in the last week. I love Irish music, of any kind. I was listening to an irish music mix last week. The slow ballads are so mournful and capture the sorrow and groaning on this earth , and through this I am driven to dwell on the glory that will one day destroy all sorrow. I love the fast ballads which make me dance a jig during my daily chores because it is the music I picture we will all dance to in heaven. By the way, I tend to love most music that comes out of the British Isles (whether it be British, Irish, or Scottish). Check out K.T. Tunstall, a new scottish folk singer...very fun and "make you want to dance!"
3. The Moon- (Recommended for children, although they might already be in bed when it is out) My next favorite thing is something I have had a lunar crush on for most of my life. I can remember in high school looking up in the sky and being mezmerized by the different phases of the moon. I am always struck by the moon and left gazing at it longer than anyone else around me. I am always shocked how whenever I tell people to "check out the cool moon" they casually glance and show little interest. I have realized that this is because the moon is not one their favorite things, as it is mine. My favorite type of moon is the low-hanging, orange moon, which some call a harvest moon. (point of interest, the other night Matt and I were outside with Keller and there was a circle around the moon with a rainbow hue. It was very cool and I tried to take a picture, but it didn't turn out.) This picture posted here is one of the moon rising above the oak tree on the hill behind our house...it didn't quite turn out but I still kind of like it in its blurred beauty.
4. Good photography-(Recommended for children of all ages) My last favorite thing I am going to share is that of good photography. I love to check out photographers websites, particularly really good ones. I have two favorite local ones right now--www.ingallsphotography.com and www.saraheinrichphotography.com. Check them out...I think they are really amazing local photographers. It is inspiriting to see how other photographers look at the world and the beauty that they capture through their equipment. And here I must thank many of you guys for sharing your photography on your blogs--Ande, Matt and Amy Claire, Maryanne and Pat!! Do you guys have any cool websites to share?
Thanks for hanging with me on my version of "These are a few of my favorite things!"
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12:52 AM
Monday, February 13, 2006
Home again!
Whew! We've packed up our snow boots for the winter, not to be used again until next winter's youth snow trips. It is nice to be home again! We had another great trip this weekend, though this trip was different than the senior high trip. I was in a much better place emotionally and spiritually, therefore I was able to get outside of my mind and my own world to care for the kids and be intentional with them. I think I also can relate more to the junior high stage of life...(don't tell anyone, but I sometimes feel like an awkward junior high girl!) It was great to watch Matt lead on this trip and really neat to see how important it is that I and the other leaders follow his vision. Being in ministry is so interesting-at times both wonderful and angering. It is easy to follow a leader when you like where they are taking you and how they plan on taking you there. But I myself know first hand that it is easy to jump ship when you don't like the leader's ideas. On this trip, I found myself seeing through Matt's eyes how important the support of the leaders is. I think in my life I have always questioned other's authority. Watching some of the disagreements this weekend helped me to see how I am commanded to trust my authority and vision that they have. This is once again another reminder that all of life is not about me and my ideas of what would be best for my life.
Countdown til going "home":
15 days!!!!!! I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!
Here Matt is posing with his new-found snowboarder's attitude. He tried snow boarding for the first time this trip with the youth, and he loved it.
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11:29 PM
Friday, February 10, 2006
Catching up with you
I imagine I am sitting with each of you over a cup of tea catching you up with everything that has been going on the last few weeks. It is going to be a short recap because I still have a lot to do in the next few hours before we head off for the junior high ski trip.
The Last few weeks have been such a humbling time for me...God has been taking me back to the basics of what it means to be a person who is kind and humble. Ordinarily simple enough concepts...sort of. But for me these last two weeks, I have been anything but kind and humble, especially to Matt. But in God's goodness he is teaching me these truths fresh and once again, as if I had never learned them before.
Last weekend Jocelyn and Matthew stopped by for a few days in their travels on the west coast. It was fantastic, and we had a great time together. In preparation for their arrival, I finished up a few tasks around the house, one in particular worth noting. I finally came up with an idea for above my bed. I had been wanting to do an art project, nothing too elaborate but just simple and original. I snapped a few shots of the results, and I am pretty happy with it for now.
I have been really indulging my creativity lately, I can't believe how natural and fulfilling it is for me to do things like take pictures and paint and create my new photography website. I am really feeling so content with these new pursuits. Here are a few shots I took this morning. The picture of the blossoms at the top are from a tree outside of my office. I passed by the window the other day and I noticed, to my great joy, spring peaking through the bare branches! Enjoy these shots, and pray for this weekend that we will be a blessing to the kids and that we leaders will be blessed by being with them.
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4:00 PM
Saturday, February 04, 2006
New Endeavor!
I have created a temporary website for my photography. After much dreaming and encouragement from you all, I am embarking on this scary journey called a photography business. It is what I will use while I am building a real site with Matt. I still have a lot of work and tweaking to do on it, but this way I at least have an online portfolio I can suggest to potential clients.
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9:04 AM